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Kelly Grant
Board Member


I am an Associate Partner in the Northern California General Office of New York Life Insurance Company.  Before being promoted to my current role, I was a financial advisor* offering solutions to families and businesses in Sonoma and neighboring counties.  In working with clients over the years, I’ve learned that many people are not prepared for the many aspects of transitioning into our later years and that is how I came to find Senior Advocacy Services.

My family history helped me prepare for guiding others with these transitions. My grandmother had Alzheimer’s, my father had cancer and my mother had a long battle with Parkinson’s disease. Exploring my own feelings surrounding my mother’s Parkinson’s diagnosis, while trying to navigate her care made me I realize that most people aren’t armed with the information and support they need.  My team is dedicated to helping people understand the emotional, spiritual, and financial stress an extended care event can put on a family. Educating families on long term care funding options is an important part of our practice.

Volunteering and participating in community service is a critical part of raising awareness. I look forward to bringing my background in this area to help more people in our community know all of the resources and education this group has to offer.

*Financial Adviser offering investment advisory services through Eagle Strategies, LLC, A Registered Investment Adviser. Eagle Strategies LLC is a New York Life company.