Long Term Care Ombudsman Spring Newsletter
In this Newsletter: Advocacy Data Insights Technical Assistance Quality Review ODIN Corner Dates to Remember Program Reminders Local Ombudsman Spotlight- Sonoma County’s Kevin Goulding
Volunteer With HICAP
Volunteering is an excellent way to give back to your community and help those in need. HICAP is a local organization that provides valuable free and unbiased assistance to seniors
Identity Theft, Scams and Elder Abuse from the February Windsor Ready! Talk on YouTube
Identity Theft, Scams and Elder Abuse – February Windsor Ready! Talk – YouTube Hear what Officer Charity Koch of the Windsor Police Dept and Donata Bohanec with Senior Advocacy Services
A Heartfelt Thank You to SAS from a Long Term Care Resident
As Long Term Care Resident advocates, the Sonoma County Ombudsman aren’t always thanked for our work, so it’s a special day when we receive a heartfelt thanks! Each day, we