(707) 565-5940 or (800) 667-0404

Adult Protective Services (APS) responds to reports of abuse, neglect, exploitation and self-neglect involving older adults age 65+ and disabled, dependent adults age 18+.

Form SOC 341

Mandated reporters are Administrators, supervisors, and any licensed staff of a public or private facility that provides care or services for elder; any elder or dependent adult care custodian, health practitioner, clergy member, or employee of a county adult protective services agency or a local law enforcement agency; any person who has assumed full or intermittent responsibility for the care or custody of an elder, whether or not he or she receives compensation.

(707) 526-4108   Main Line

(800) 231-4024   Immediate Crisis Line

Sonoma County Long Term Care Ombudsman are state certified individuals who resolve the problems of residents of nursing homes and residential care facilities for the elderly.

They provide an avenue for conflict resolution that may be otherwise unavailable to elderly residents who are victims of neglect and abuse.

Find out more

CALL 9-1-1   If  abuse is life threatening 

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